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  • Writer's pictureJames T. Mahoney

6 Most Common but Myths About CBD For Pets

CBD has sparked the interest of many people and its popularity has exploded among dog and other pet owners. However, there are a lot of inaccurate information and myths published by sellers pushing for inferior products. People are free to believe what they like, it is, however, your responsibility to ensure that you understand the truth about CBD oil pets as it will help you make the right decision. Discussed below are 6 such myths debunked.

1. CBD makes your pet tired

There are some strains of marijuana that contain a high content of THC. THC directly binds to the CB1 receptor cells while CBD works by influencing the CB2 receptors. Additionally, CB1 receptor cells play a significant role in the regulation of sleep compared to CB2 receptor cells. Over time, THC degrades to CBN, which promotes tiredness. Note that CBN and CBD oil for pets differ especially on how they interact with the endocannabinoid system. Therefore, CBD will not make your pet tired.

2. All CBD for pets products are the same

The individual CBD molecule (cannabidiol) is the same in both hemp and marijuana. However, marijuana contains more than 100+ cannabinoids, including essential oils called terpenes. If you shop for CBD oil for pets, you will likely see a variety of pricing for different products. Low prices on CBD oil products may be a signal of poor quality. Moreover, some products may be manufactured from full-spectrum CBD which may turn out to be more expensive. All CBD for pets are not the same and it is important to do a search of specific companies and their products to ascertain the quality of products they sell.

3. CBD will cure all your dog’s conditions

It is sad to see the CBD industry plagued by unscrupulous sales representatives who promise pet owners their CBD oil products will cure any ailments on their pets. However, most scientific studies do not support these claims. Although CBD oil is effective in the treatment of a number of health conditions, it does not cure all ailments. Research has shown that CBD oil for pets is a powerful anti-inflammatory that promotes healthy joints in dogs, promotes a sense of calm in dogs with anxiety, and reduces seizure severity. More research is needed in other areas. Don’t be hoodwinked by flashy marketing materials.

4. CBD will make your dog high

CBD is non-psychoactive and does not have a euphoric effect. Conversely, THC is the psychoactive compound in cannabis that gives people a high. CBD oil that is derived from the hemp plant contains less than 0.3% THC. The recommended CBD product for pets needs to be 100% THC free. This will not make your dog high, although products with less than 0.3% THC levels will also not make your dog high. If you are looking to buy CBD oil for dogs, check the label for the THC level to ensure it is 0%. This is the safest option if you ask any veterinarian.

5. CBD is legal

The legality of CBD is not certain in some states, although hemp is legal in all the 50 states. It is hard to keep track of the changing legality of marijuana as different states have their own laws on marijuana. The Control Substance Act did not include the stalks of the cannabis plant when defining marijuana. However, according to the Farm Bill 2018 that was signed by the president and passed by Congress, it is legal to buy CBD oil that is obtained from the hemp plant and has less than 0.3% THC.

In 2014, there was the legalization of hemp plant cultivation under pilot programs. All parts of the hemp plant are legal for sale, which also includes CBD oil. Currently, most states have passed laws that legalize the use of medical marijuana.

6. It is easy to give your dog an overdose of CBD oil

It is not easy to give your dog an overdose of CBD oil that will cause any serious harm. Unlike THC, CBD toxicity is negligible. CBD oil does not have any side effects and high dosage of the oil does not lead to overdose. However, when you buy CBD oil for dogs, ensure you start slow and increase the dosage gradually while monitoring the changes in your dog’s condition.

You can only choose what to believe based on a point of knowledge. Understanding the facts and setting them aside from myths will ensure that you give your pets the best products for their overall well being.

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